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Personal Uses:  If you want to use anything on SnowCrystals.com for some small personal use -- something that does not involve publication -- then you may do so without obtaining explicit permission.  Personal use includes book reports, presentations, class projects, personal Christmas cards, etc. Please include a reference to to SnowCrystals.com whenever possible. However, please read on ....

Personal use does not include anything published on the internet. But you are welcome to ask for permission to use these images; just send me (Kenneth Libbrecht) an e-mail at kgl@caltech.edu. Educational uses are especially encouraged!

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Commercial Uses: My photographs and videos are available for commercial use at Science Photo Library. These links will take you to my collections::
Snowflake Photo Collection
Snowflake Video Collection

If you cannot find what you are looking for at Science Photo Library, or you desire free noncommercial use, please send me (Kenneth Libbrecht) an e-mail at kgl@caltech.edu